Phylogy Founded in 2003, Phylogy develops and markets advanced communications equipment for telecommunications companies to better compete in the $200 billion “Triple Play” services market of video, voice and data. The company’s introductory product, the TripleStream Line Conditioner, revolutionizes the way telecommunications companies protect current market share and acquire new customers. By utilizing the existing copper-based infrastructure, Phylogy extends rate and reach, enabling DSL broadband delivery performance far beyond conventional methods. Phylogy sells its patented products to telephone companies, including independent local exchange carriers (ILECs), Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs) and rural telephone cooperatives.
LaVar Holdings Founder Ellin LaVar, a nationally recognized stylist and entrepreneur, engaged Capital Acceleration to provide strategic guidance, marketing prowess, operational expertise and disciplined management of her new line of niche hair care products. Capital Acceleration raised over $2.5 million to launch the product line nationally.